I've left TikTok and Twitter/X and have been paring down my FB account to just the people I want to hear from. I will not look to FB for news or products (although I have done both in the past). If in my surgical editing of my FB account is successful, my FB page will be more like it was in the beginning. If not, I'll drop it (after letter my most favorite folks where they can find me).

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We can't have false equivalency here. Most of the junk is intentionally coming from the hard right.

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Just because all sides need to be considered, I understand the need for fact checking since many Americans do not know how to think critically. Instead of deriding Mark Zuckerberg, wouldn’t it be more effective to call out our education system? This discourse about Meta is exactly the problem, as our attention is being pulled from the real issues.

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I don't use FB for news. I use it to keep in touch with friends, following sites of interest like crafts, birding, writing, mindfulness and so forth. MZ and his tribe have some serious karma waiting for them. But those are their actions, not mine.

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No, for all the reasons listed.

I appreciated this sentence from the other side:

Approximately two out of every ten posts restricted may not have actually violated its policies.

This is a lot like all the packaging, plastic, styrofoam, etc and waste corporations produce, which is poisoning everything, and somehow they are not responsible for eliminating it.

And the recycling lie they foisted on us. They made it, they SHOULD be responsible.

That safety isn’t a priority, only profit - is killing us, destroying everything. And for what?

From 1981 -2021, Republican policies moved $50 trillion from the lower 90% to the top 1%.

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I left, but not because they stopped fact-checking. I left because they changed their community standards to allow hate speech. I don't want to be part of that community, thanks.

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'Meta’s existing fact-checking approach labeled more claims by Republican officials as “false” than it did for those of Democratic officials.'

Might this have more to do with how many lies were told, than it does with bias by the fact checking system?

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My thoughts exactly. Noting the number of items listed as false is utterly irrelevant if we don't understand why they were labeled false and whether the fact check was accurate/appropriate.

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Not sure Builders is worth following. Objectivity is one thing; ignoring incontrovertible facts is something else entirely.

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Don't we already get enough unchecked facts via Fox and Truth Social? Just asking.....

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Meta had fact checking?

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